Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It Stung Like a Violent Wind that our Memories Depend on a Faulty Camera in our Minds

Well. Hello again everyone. I'm happy to say that I am back in the blogging scene. For those of you who don't know, during my 2006 travels I kept a humble blog about my adventures abroad. Feel free to visit anytime:

But more importantly, I'm excited for this blog because instead of having to walk a mile (uphill both ways),in the freezing cold/blistering heat, pay 125 rubles/6 pounds an hour, and then have the computer break just when I was about to post something, I can now blog in the comfort of my home. Or at UVSC until the geniuses at PC laptops fix my computer (current time without a computer: 1 month 9 days). I also will have a bit more time on my hands because I recently found myself quitting my glamorous retail lifestyle at the Buckle and am currently unemployed. So this really just works out perfect. Instead of contributing to a functioning society, I will be writing down my deepest darkest beliefs so I can confuse society even more. GET IT. Yaya mek. And just to clear things up about the title of this blog. 'I can hear the Atlantic echo back' is nothing except a remarkable phrase I found written on a bathroom stall at a cafe in Seattle. You will find that I like meaningless things that are probably very meaningful to someone I've never met before. Someone out there doesn't even know the legacy they left behind in that women’s rest room.

1 comment:

cat.janer said...

Dear Amy,
I'm so excited you're on the blogging scene. Hey remember that time Clucky was playing football with all the rhinos? Oh for heaven's sake. Here's to the Ya-Ya MEKs.